Lifts-Service Stations

Important! Please read the instructions to buy Download Articles
Before buying instructions or inspection books.

Instructions how to download manuals in PDF format or Prüfbüchern

First Set the desired product to the cart.

Second Click on 'Checkout'.

Third You have to login to the system and create an account, you tuen
     not that we're of the download the guide or
     Test manual does not unlock.

4th Select the shipment 'Download Item'.

5th Select your preferred method of payment (or PayPal).

6th Click 'order zahlungplichtig' the Buton.

7th You get a confirmation email.

8th If you are logged into the system, you can under the tab
     'My Account' view your download items.

9th If we, your payment is received by us, the download automatically
     unlocked for you and you can download your manual or log book.

10th When you get the guide or the log book zugesant on paper
       want to choose a different shipping method and we will send the instructions
       or the log book to your shipping address in paper form.

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